Being a mom takes a toll on your goals.

As a master life coach (and special needs mom) I'm thrilled to help stay-at-home mamas like YOU reignite their passions and reach their personal goals.

Learn More About Me

Ready to find meaning outside of mommy-ing?

You deserve a life that's not just about being an incredible mom. A life where your goals don't have to take a backseat. A life about being an incredible YOU.

My name's Aleah Rae.

I LOVE being a mom. But, one thing's for sure: Motherhood is a chapter in my life story. It ain't the whole book!

And I know that may sound a little "cringy" at first, but on some level, doesn't it sound super empowering, too?

Let me be the first to tell you sis, there is nothing wrong with being the best mom you can be, while still finding ways to pursue YOUR passions, goals, and dreams.

I'm on a mission to show you HOW.

Let's Work Together

The "perfect" moment to work on your goals, isn't coming anytime soon.

So stop waiting for that uninterrupted hour or two to plug away at your passions Mama. It's probably not happening. (And let's face it: If you ever DID find that hour, you'd be more likely to use it for a much needed nap. #TheStruggleIsReal)

What if I told you, there's a way to make the most of all the precious little pockets of time you have scattered throughout your day and turn them into powerful steps towards your dreams.

Curious? Click the button below for instant access to my "GRAB N' GOAL" masterclass.

I'm breaking down my tried, tested and true method for how YOU can take advantage of tiny windows of time to get closer and closer to achieving your goals every single day!

You don't have to do this alone.




Virtually connect with like-minded mamas looking to balance the beautiful chaos of motherhood with their own goal pursuit. A supportive sistahood is waiting for YOU.

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Discover how to completely transform your day in just 5-Minutes.

In this FREE E-guide, I'll teach you how to sneak some refreshing YOU moments into your day, while still conquering your endless To Dos.  Click the “Get Access" button below for your FREE copy.

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