My Story

As the only child of a stay-at-home mom, her love and dedication to me were unwavering.  After school, she would chauffeur me to all the lessons -- painting, piano, swimming, gymnastics ... really anything my little kid self had a sliver of interest in, she encouraged, invested in and nurtured.  If something lit me up inside, Patricia kept that flame burning to the best of her ability; something I will always be grateful for.

I remember asking her around 11 or 12, when she was going to take a class.  Pottery and swimming were a few things she said was interested in, but always with a nonchalance in her voice as it wasn't even worth talking about beyond a sentence or two.  "One day, when you're grown I'll take some classes."  That was her answer each time I asked.  Eventually, I became good and grown, but even then she didn't take those classes.  Sadly, I never saw my mom really explore the things that lit her up inside.  

Somewhere in her motherhood journey, I believe my mom lost touch with her own dreams and passions, a heartbreaking observation for me ... and a devastating reality for her.

SHE is the reason I'm committed to empowering stay-at-home moms pursue their dreams right now --- no matter how big or small. 

I believe every mom has the right to a sense of self throughout their motherhood journey.  Do YOU?
As a devoted wife, daughter, and mom to a toddler with special needs, I know how much of a fight it can be to find that time for yourself and your passions.  Helping Mamas like YOU get the support, tools and guidance they need to nurture their own aspirations and turn motherhood into the most fulfilling journey it can be happens to be one of my passions.

So if you're ready for a life that celebrates both your commitment to your family as a mother and your commitment to yourself as a multi-faceted womanI'm here to support you every step of the way.